Saturday, December 10, 2011

Scauurangg the viking Ch 4.

As Scauurangg and Tom continued deeper into the cave, they heard a loud roar. They stopped dead in their tracks. Tom whispered "What was that?" "I don't know," replied Scauurangg, "maybe an Oogre?" "No," Tom thought for a second, "no, not an Oogre. They went extinct last month." They slowly walked forward. After twenty meters, they find an Oogre skeleton, five more meters brings them into a large cavern. It is covered in ice. From the corridor ahead, emerges a wampa. It charges forward, before the two guys can react. It smashes into Scauurangg with great force, knocking him to the ground. He tries to get up, but is punched to the ground again. Tom dive bombs toward him, "Fire KICK!!" The wampa tries to swat him away, and as he's distracted, Scauurangg manages to get up. He then grabs the wampa and wrestles it to the ground. Punches it a couple of times. Gets up, grabs his battleaxe, and decapitates it. Then stomps on it's head. Scauurangg and Tom look at each other, and triumphantly high five. Then they head down the corridor.

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