Saturday, December 10, 2011

Scauurangg the viking Ch 4.

As Scauurangg and Tom continued deeper into the cave, they heard a loud roar. They stopped dead in their tracks. Tom whispered "What was that?" "I don't know," replied Scauurangg, "maybe an Oogre?" "No," Tom thought for a second, "no, not an Oogre. They went extinct last month." They slowly walked forward. After twenty meters, they find an Oogre skeleton, five more meters brings them into a large cavern. It is covered in ice. From the corridor ahead, emerges a wampa. It charges forward, before the two guys can react. It smashes into Scauurangg with great force, knocking him to the ground. He tries to get up, but is punched to the ground again. Tom dive bombs toward him, "Fire KICK!!" The wampa tries to swat him away, and as he's distracted, Scauurangg manages to get up. He then grabs the wampa and wrestles it to the ground. Punches it a couple of times. Gets up, grabs his battleaxe, and decapitates it. Then stomps on it's head. Scauurangg and Tom look at each other, and triumphantly high five. Then they head down the corridor.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Scauurangg the viking Ch 3.

Scauurangg headed down the path, toward the Batcave. On his way there he saw a butterfly, he carefully walked around it, without looking away, but it let him past without trouble. He eventually made it to the Batcave. The entrance was thirty feet tall, and five feet wide. He cautiously made his way in, weapon drawn. The inside was about eight meters tall. And suddenly, out of no where, a bat, half a meter long, flew towards him from the corridor ahead. He swung at it, missing by an inch. He braced himself for a punch to the face, but it never came. All he heard was "JESUS CHRIST!!" He got ready to swing again. "WAIT, WAIT!!" screamed the bat. He swung, and another miss. "WHAT THE HELL MAN?" Scauurangg stopped for a minute, it was on fire. it wasn't an ice bat. "Oh, I uh... I'm sorry... I guess..." He said to the fire bat. "Sorry!?" "I thought you were an ice bat. My bad..." The bat looked at him, and said "uh.., it's fine man." "No, it's not. I tried to kill you." Replied the viking. "Everything does. I'm used to it. Hey, The name's Tom." "Scauurangg." "Nice to meet you Scauurangg." "You too Tom. So, I'm trying to retrieve an ancient artifact, would you like to help?" Tom thought for a minute. "Sure, but I gotta be at a meeting at three." And with that, The new partners headed down the path, deeper into the cave.

Scauurangg the viking Ch 2.

As Scauurangg set of to find the ancient artifact of Ysgirnmier, his eyes stumbled across a treasure chest about 50 meters off the path. He knew it was a bad idea, but he couldn't help but check it out. Scauurangg grabbed the massive battleaxe from his back. It was seven feet long, almost as tall as him. It was solid steel, and he carved it himself. He named it Vera. He cautiously approached the chest. He walked up to it, stopped to look over his shoulder, and then opened the chest. In the chest there was a... well, there was nothing... Scauurangg, very disappointed, walked back to the path. But on his way back, he was ambushed by a giant, battle-giraffe. The giraffe stood nearly thirty feet tall, and had venomous hooves. Scauurangg reacted immediately, and swung his battleaxe into it's front left leg (His left). Vera slid though it's thin leg like butter, it's purple-red blood spraying everywhere as it toppled over, due to having three limbs. Scauurangg swiftly kicked it's face in, and got back on the road. He continued walking...
Tale of Two Swords
By:Jeffrey Spears


The year is 1792 as the sun sets on the small town of Yamakav (Ya-ma-cave). A man is running through the town screaming for help, panicked by what is following behind him. The wolves that chase him are closing in on the weary traveler. Suddenly he trips on a stone protruding out of the ground on the cobblestone path through the town. The wolves slowly surround him encapsulating his fate.

Chapter 1

The wolves circled around teasing their prey. The leader of the pack, noticeable by the scar that ran across his eye. The leader of the pack had a nasty look, he howled at the others and they made a hole in the circle leading back to the woods. The traveler looked with puzzlement at the wolves when the one behind him growled and bite at the air at him. He realized they wanted to play with their next meal some more before they went in for the kill. Tired, the traveler got up and started running back towards the woods. The wolves followed suit. The traveler came to a tree that looked easy to climb and furiously grabbed at the branches that hung down just within reach. When he got high enough to escape the mouths of the hungry wolves that lie in wait below. It was cold that night, he kept thinking of his wife he had seen, just a day before, ripped from his life by the foul Marauders, a group of thugs that wanted him to pay for getting one of their members jailed. He could only imagine the horrible things they were doing, he didn't even care about the snowflakes falling in the winter night air. When he finally fell asleep the sun was slowly rising on the east horizon.

Chapter 2

When the traveler came to he was startled a little at first, he hadn't gotten a very good nights sleep, then the thoughts came like a tsunami flowing over him, he burst into tears. He gathered his emotions and looked below to find the wolves gone. He climbed down slowly and set out for the Yamakav, his shattered memories of the past repressed by his fear of the wolves coming back to finish what they started.

Chapter 3

When he got into town he went into the nearest pub, when he got in he went to the bar, a gloomy look cast over his face. The bartender waltzed up and asked, "What is the problem?". The traveler looked up but did not answer the man. The bartender started off with another question, "What's your name?". The traveler responded, "What's the point, if you know me they'll hunt you". Confused by his response the bartender, knowing something had happened to this man with the look of a body that had its soul sucked by a Mokaria
(Mo-care-ea), a bat-like creature that slowly feed off the souls of humans. Fixing up a drink, relatively strong as the bartender knew the weary looking man needed it. He asked, "Do you have any family?". The traveler simply smirked and replied, "I used to". "What happened to them, if ya don't mind me asking?" asked the Bartender. The smirk quickly left the man's face as a teared rolled down his cheek. "Ya know" ,started the traveler, "just yesterday I was running my hand through her beautiful, soft brown hair.", at this remark he let out a little whimper, "if I just hadn't said anything this would have never happened". It was this statement that the Bartender responded to, "Wait your Skavandar?!". He replied, "Seems like everyone knows about me".

Chapter 4

"You're the man who put that good-for-nothing Marauder away" exclaimed the Bartender. "At what cost. I put away one man and my wife is taken as collateral.", Skavandar pounded the table the tears rolled down his eyes and every other word he gasped for breath trying to tell his story. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know...", Skavandar stopped him halfway through, "It's fine, just please, let me think of how to get her back". Skavandar sat there, contemplating what he should do to extract his revenge on the bastards that took his life away. "You could try to join their ranks and get her out", offered the bartender. Skavandar looked at him for a second, "Neither would I have the time to do this or the abilities to join their ranks, I'm on their wanted list and I know they won't stop till I'm dead". The Bartender looked at him, "They're really that harsh as to murder your family and you for putting one of their members in jail, which they could easily get him out of?". "Well", saying this while looking around the bar to make sure that no one was around, "What people don't know is i didn't just jail one of their members, I took something they're looking for". He reached in his pack, slightly torn from the tree he had climbed earlier, and pulled out a small gem. It was clear, but the center had a black aura flowing inside of it. "What is it?", asked the Bartender. Skavandar, now with a hushed voice, replied, "Ever heard the tale of Daodica?" (Dow-di-ka).

Chapter 5

Long ago there was a women by the name of Daodica. She was born into a life of slavery. She worked for the Royal Family, they were the King and Queen of all of Rukidanid (Ru-kid-an-id). Tales had told of her ability to place spells on objects. When the King learned of her abilities he knew he could exploit her abilities to further his steel grip on the world ensuring his rule for eternity. She made five mystical objects, but when the King started to wish for immortality she refused. The King lashed out and demanded that she give him what he wanted unless she wanted her head on a platter. She knew she wouldn't be around much longer the way things were going. She hide them, scattered them around the world, hiding them from the power-mad King. One object, it was said, was a gem that would be the key to unlocking the treasures of the true beholder. There were clues, on the locations of the 5 objects. No one knows what the objects were, and no one knew where the trails started but many treasure hunters seeking to make a quick coin had searched for the trails before. Some of the trails beginnings had been found but had never been fully completed and the only people who knew where there knew where the trails were, but they kept journals of their findings. Skavandar knew he had to find the objects, but he had no names, and no idea what he was searching for. All he knew is he had to get his wife back. His journey has just begun.

Chapter 6

Skavandar finished his story as well as his ale, when a noise came from the streets outside. The Bartender grabbed Skavandar an pulled him into a back room, “Wait here, I don’t want to see a good man like you get hurt”. The Bartender shut the door and Skavandar could see through a tiny hole in the door. Three silhouettes strutted easily through the door to the pub. “I hear that Skavandar’s in town, what do you think of that keeper?” , the Bartender replied as calmly as he could, “Is that so, well I haven’t seen him ‘round here, if I do see anything suspicious I will let you know”. One of the silhouettes stepped forward, the biggest one of the group and grabbed the Bartender. “Now look here”, them man started off, “if you don’t tell us where he is we'll cut off every little finger off those hands you got”. The Bartender started tried to tell them that he didn’t know where Skavandar was, but he didn’t get very far. The big one stomped on the Bartenders foot and threw him onto the table. He took out his dagger and pointed it at his throat. “I grow tired of these games, someone reported a traveler that looked much like the wanted poster coming into this pub. Tell me where he is or I will cut you up slowly and make your suffering last.” , Skavandar couldn’t watch this unfold, he pulled out a knife and a sword. Kicking down the door Skavandar threw the knife, it hit the big one right between the eyes, the other two startled franticly tried to draw they swords but Skavandar was too quick. He reached them before they had drawn there weapons and cut them down. Skavandar locked the doors of the tavern and ran to the Bartender, “Are you alright”, Skavandar asked while helping him up, “Yea I’m fine but if you hadn’t done what you did I'd be sliced up on that table”. “Thanks for hiding me instead of giving me up. We need to get out of here, we have to find someone who knows about those books”. They started out the door when the overheard a group of people talking about a man who had gone into a coma out in the woods. They said he had a map and he came out of coma not to long ago. “I guess we should start there”, Skavandar said with a little smile, thinking of the evil things he would do to the people that took his wife when he got his hands on them.

Scauurangg the viking Ch 1.

Scauurangg is a viking living in an alternate dimension called Blashoogor. Blashoogor is an odd place, filled with many dangers, therefore Scauurangg had to get into the fighters guild, or he would surely perish. In a fire. With fire crocodiles. They have wings. But in the fighters guild, everyone looks out for one another, so fire crocodiles don't catch them by surprise. He climbed up the stone steps, toward the front door. Knocks... Knocks again... And the door is flung open, and standing on the other side is a six foot, bipedal crocodile. Not on fire, however. He appears very old, and has a long beard, of course. He said, with a Transylvanian accent, "What is it you seek?" "I seek an entrance into the fighters guild" said Scauurangg. "Well, you have come to the right place. I am the doorman of the fighters guild." Replied the doorman, "But I can't let you in unless you complete the one trial."
"What is this, trial you speak of?"
"You see, Gordon lost our sacred artifact, Ysgirnmier."
"Go on..."
"Well, we need you to go retrieve it. It's located in the Batcave. The one with the ice bats."
"Alright, and then I can get in?"
"Yeah, of course."
"Do you make everyone do this?"
"No, just you. Normally we keep Ysgirnmier in the mess hall, but while Gordon was washing it, a bat flew in and snatched it."
"I'll go retrieve your artifact, just give me a minute."

And with that Scauurangg set of to find the ancient artifact of Ysgirnmier. To be continued.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

My friend here thinks that people are the worst, I will prove him wrong.
If humans were
worse they wouldn't be alive today. People need to come together as one to survive, this would be impossible to do if we were the worst due to the fact we would destroy each other. We, unlike our animal friends, are self-aware, making us much more intelligent, already proving our superiority above most other things,
unless you believe that there are extraterrestrials smarter than us out "there". We have sustained for this long, and
we can forever, we just need the resources to do so. We are forever evolving and will change to the challenges that we face, making us all the more better prepared for an everlasting life, we are the best. America has helped out other nations for many years now, we have even earned the title, friendliest nation, because of the fact we help so many others, if we were the worst we wouldnt give a fuck about the others, and we would leave them to there own miserable lives. Now to me people helping out people does not make us sound awful like my friend claims all people to be. yes there are some examples were people destroy others but the good people have a
lways overcome the evil people that have stood before them. We also couldnt have done this without teamwork from allies, from GOOD PEOPLE. Think about the troops in any war, battleground, station, anywhere, they're putting their lives on th
e line to help the innocent stay free, because freedom is not free. They keep it for us and this guy hates them, for keeping his ass safe in bed at night. I can understand disliking people for the crimes they commit but he has no reason to hate everyone because of some. People, at least I like to think are good.


Homo sapiens. We are the best thing on this planet. No contest. The very best living organism on earth is, of all things, us. Human beings. We are flightless, mammals that fly. fly. Not only that, but we can view 26 images a second, digitally transmitted though the air, to devices we created. While flying. We carry small objects that carry 64 gigabytes of data, in our pockets. We can use them to talk to anybody in the world. We made them. I don't hate humans, we are an amazing species.